Lindsey's Neutral Family Home

Happy Friday, Mutts! I don't know about you all, but this four-day week felt like a six-day week. Holy cow, am I glad that's almost over!

Today, we have a serious treat for all of your neutral lovers. If you haven't seen this neutral obsession splattered all over social media, you must have been living under a rock. Some of it goes too neutral, towards cold or impersonal. But Lindsey gets it right, creating a family home that feels casually curated but also actually feels lived in. What a concept! 

You can see right away that we're dealing with a historic home here. There's something about that history that really gets to me - thinking about all the families that have built their lives here. I love that Lindsey's design honors that past while making it her family's own.
From Lindsey:

Our home was built in 1900, and it sits on an acre lot in the country. Because of the original wood work, including beautiful pocket doors, and my old soul, I think the style of our home would equate to the Midwest. When I look around, I think, ‘yeah, this house just belongs here.’

A fun fact for all of you, and a shameless plug for a company I adore: I found Lindsey and her awesome space via the Letterfolk Co Instagram account. Their letterboards are seriously amazing, and I do not blame Lindsey at all for owning more than one! And, they plan right in to Lindsey's style. 

I think I would best describe my style as midcentury meets farmhouse, with a side of simplicity. I love visually clean spaces and have an obsession over antique pieces. At the end of the day, I want our home to house only meaningful items, to be inviting and free of clutter. I love this quote by William Morris: ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.’

Now, Lindsey is raising two beautiful babies in the Northwestern Ohio country. So next, let's look at the bedroom these kiddos get to grow up in. I wish I could use the written word to adequately describe my envy. Not that my mom didn't do a great job decorating my childhood bedroom (in case you're reading this, Rosemary...) BUT this room screams 'Be a kid! Explore! Play!' Color me jealous... 

In the boys’ (Hayden’s) room, my favorite piece, hands down, is his bed. My husband and my father built it together with their own hands, just for our sweet Hayden. There’s actually many hand made pieces in his room and I think that’s why it’s my favorite room in our house.
I think our styles are always evolving. Since having our two boys, I have had the biggest urge to purge and to simplify. I found myself thinking, why spend time cleaning up after all of these ‘things’ when I could be soaking up this precious time that I won’t get back with our children. It’s played a huge part in finding my style.

I think you'll all agree with me that Lindsey has found her style and is sticking to it. Finally, let's take a look at her master bedroom. 

Now, everyone has their own opinions of color. I almost think about it in the same way that I consider extroverts vs. introverts. People just recharge in different ways - by being alone or with others OR, in this case, by being surrounded with colors or calm neutrals. 

I really wrestled with the decision of leaving the walls white, or giving them a pop of color. Something about the white walls gives me a sense of calm, and as a stay at home mama, this is something that is so important for my overall mentality. The extra sunlight shining through our home and reflecting off the walls is sure to give us all something to smile about throughout our day. Finding what makes you happy is key.

Lindsey, I applaud you. You're an awesome mama, and you've made a home to serve some seriously important purposes - inspiring your babies, encouraging your family's peace, and giving yourself a place to recharge. We tip our hats! 

Follow Lindsey along on her blog, Being Badenhop, or on Instagram for more decor and life inspo. And Mutts, remember, you too can have your home featured - just drop me a line at

Rustic Votive Holders {Holiday DIY No. 4}

Hey guys! We're barely into December but the holiday festivities are truckin' right along. We've been under the weather in our home since the week of Thanksgiving, and that's forced us, (me), to really lay the brakes on and focus the small reserve of energy on what I really care about; my people. Here are some of my favorite moments from the last week and a half...

Goodness me, there is much to be grateful for. (I was singing a different tune a week ago when we were bogged down by the flu and I was hosting one of the worlds largest pity parties. Such a wuss! But so grateful.)

I'm excited to share this DIY project today because, truthfully, it was a happy accident! Over the summer we changed the legs on our sectional sofa - we, (Matt), ended up making the new legs from cut up blocks of 4 x 4 which we stained in Minwax 'Ash'. Since we had three extras sitting out in the garage, I thought they'd make awesome votive holders! I wasn't wrong...

This was really, really easy, folks. We pre-drilled a hole about 2" into the center of each block, and screwed in a hanger, (to do this, just wrap a dry cloth around the hanger, then use pliers to twist the hanger into the hole).

I left the top bare, but you could have some serious fun painting a complementing color to your own décor.

Then I screwed a hole into the bottom of the candle, about an inch to an inch and a half deep, just to keep it secure.

All done!

If the thought of cutting a 4 x 4 plank of wood doesn't excite you, you could either a) Grab a hardware store employee and ask them to cut it for you, (they do this for free at the big chains like Home Depot and Lowes), or b) Ask a store employee if there is any scrap wood leftover from other people's cuts which you could take.

Rather BUY than DIY?

Check these out from Tellus360Shop on Etsy!

I'll be signing off until Monday when I'll be back to share our full holiday home tour, but Cate's got another goodie for ya coming up tomorrow, (Friday)!

Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a fab weekend!