Reader Design: Amy's Inspired Family Home

If you've been paying attention, you know it's been a busy week over here at StyleMutt Home! We're ringing in the holidays with holiday tours, fantastic flips, and, of course, a home feature with an Insta #mustfollow.

Cue Amy, a small business owner and mom from Massachusetts. Amy's home takes a lot of its inspirations from blogs and social media - and with her creative, professional photographer eye, she executes to perfection. 

Amy, her husband, their three kids, and two dogs moved in to this Dedham, MA home in August and since then, it's become the ultimate family home. They've taken a big home - with six fireplaces... I mean, c'mon - and made it intentional, with each space serving a special purpose. Take the living spaces - it's actually one long room that is an easy design stump for many people (oh to have the problem of too much space!), half of which is a neutral haven and the other half of which is alive with color. 

This room alone is a perfect illustration of Amy's spoken style.
From Amy:

My style is a combination of simplicity and bold splashes of color. I love a modern look with mid-century lines. While finding a style that is truly mine, I realized my house reflects my photography. Clean and bold.

Amy is also a MAKER . 

I have a slight obsession with textiles. I like to change my throw pillows like some people change their socks. I have a hard time spending a ton on a pillow. Some I found on Etsy, but all of the mudcloth and shibori pillows, I made out of Ikea shams! For the mudcloth look, it just took a little fabric paint & a ruler!

Amy definitely believes in budgeting, but not at the expense of style!  

I can honestly tell you that everything in my home is completely accessible to anyone on any budget! All it takes is an imagination and some elbow grease. I find nothing more satisfying than creating something beautiful with little to no money. Anyone can decorate a house with an unlimited budget, but creating a gorgeous space on a dime is a labor of love.

Her family moved into this Colonial to be closer to school back in August, but kept their original home as a summer escape - and just about every room proves there's a way to save! ... Every room except the wallpapered powder room, which Amy's son insisted he could have replicated with only a Sharpie. Anyone brave enough to take on that challenge??  

Now, she did let him use that creativity in this amazing comfy & cozy living room! 

I feel like I have kind of mastered Ikea-chic. My 11 year old son is very creative and loves projects. He and I found all sorts of Ikea hacks on Pinterest and we went to town. His proudest piece is the mid-century TV console in the family room. He made it himself from 2 Ikea cabinets, pretty pegs legs, and some pine boards that he carefully measured and stained.

Now for the kitchen - that was a splurge area, but with something so classic, why not spend a little to make it great? 

The master bedroom, with its dressing room complete with a fireplace, and guestroom both feature some of Amy's favorite pieces. 

I knew I wanted a MASSIVE round mirror in the house. I love this one [in the bedroom] from CB2. The bench is a knock off of the Herman Miller Nelson bench, the pillows are DIY mudcloth, and the blanket is one that I made myself with thick thick wool and needles the size of my arms!

In the guest bedroom, the statements are those pair of prints from Etsy, which Amy was able to print professionally thanks to her photography business! I don't know anyone who wouldn't be tempted to longgggg overstay their welcome in this space.

Amy, how you pulled off this home in just four months is beyond comprehension; thank you so much for inviting us in! 

Follow Amy along on Instagram or on her site. And guess what?! If you can't get enough of her pooches, Charlie and Chloe, you can follow them along on Instagram too. If today isn't a win-win-win, I don't know what is! 

A hearty Thank You!

You're invited!!  We are throwing a little party here on StyleMutt Home.  Nope, we're not poppin' the champagne a tad early on our 6 month birthday, we are celebrating you!

You guys!

When we sat down on September 19, 2014 for our first official business meeting, (NOT in a hot-tub), we were in a frenzy of excitement. We had high hopes and dreams for StyleMutt Home and couldn't wait to get rollin'. But there's always that little voice of reality that holds those expectations in check and keeps our feet on the ground. We were confident in what StyleMutt Home could be, but had no certainty it would get there in a timely manner, if ever.

And now, nearly 6 months later, we are just blown away by what you have made us! Not only has StyleMutt Home become what we dreamed it to be, it's better than we had imagined because of you! You have overwhelmed us with encouragement  on Instagram, sent us such supportive emails, and most importantly blown us away with your unique input to StyleMutt Home.  

This blog is not about two people; it's grown into this amazing community which we are so grateful for!  Our desire from the beginning was that this be an inspirational, informative DIY and Home Decor resource; a place for others to come and gather ideas, tips and tricks for their own home projects.  We just didn't anticipate how much of a blessing it would be to get to know you all through this cozy spot in the great world wide web!

We've been so showered with your support and encouragement that this post is difficult to write! You have blessed us beyond what our words can express.  So we'll just have to show you how we feel...

Blogging 101: 
Every blog needs it's own cute mascot.




We just wanted to drop by today to tell you how much we so appreciate you all. We'd much rather invite you all over and throw down, but since our guest list would span the globe (!!!), we've got the next best thing: A GIVEAWAY!!! Whoop, whoop! 

Deets on that juicy news will be up tomorrow, so stay tuned!


Snaps for StyleMutt!

Hi friends! I had another post scheduled for today, (a fabulous Reader Design for our Spaces section which I'll share tomorrow), but thought I'd interrupt our regularly scheduled program just to say THANK YOU! Yesterday was a gift for Cate and me. Within the same hour, Apartment Therapy shared a fabulous makeover by Cate, and Design Sponge, (Grace Bonney has been my design hero for years), shared my stenciled bedroom wall on her Instagram.

Here are the two StyleMutt projects as they were featured, (click on the photos to go right to the source)

These back-to-back features have just overwhelmed us with encouragement. The countless comments, emails, and new friends here to StyleMutt mean so much to us. Just last fall Cate and I invited our old Chelsea's Garage buddies, (the blog we previously posted under), to join us on a new adventure called StyleMutt. Now, 5 months later we feel confident that the Lord is driving this ride that we're on and we are absolutely having a ball. No matter how long you've been with us, we are so grateful for you. Your support means so much.

Whether you're a new friend or an old pal, we invite you to check out our new About page. It explains who we are, what we do and why we do. And when we're not doin', we're usually sipping wine and cracking each other up! We hope you'll continue to join us here at StyleMutt; we sure love your company and this inspiring community! You guys knock our socks off!

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Be sure to check back tomorrow for a Reader Design you won't want to miss!