Reader Design: Lisa's Global Retreat

This one is for the travelers. The ones out there who have insatiable wanderlust like myself. Or even those who just like to dabble in some global cuisine every now and then.

Lisa's Chicago home represents years of travel. Her home tells us where she's been and gets more unique with every trip she takes and item she brings home.

The feeling hits you the second you come through the door. And it's not just one thing. But the thing that jumps out at me is that gallery wall. Now, we all see a lot of gallery walls. But this is something else. 

It's a lovingly curated collection of works from one of Lisa's favorite artists as well as some of her own work and will be something she adds to throughout her life. It perfectly represents her aesthetic philosophy.

From Lisa:

I love spaces that are functional and classic, with meaningful keepsakes, souvenirs, and artwork sprinkled in there. If an object/piece of furniture doesn’t serve any sort of purpose in the space or if a souvenir/piece of artwork doesn’t evoke a feeling, then it shouldn’t be there.

In the living room, you notice the textiles. 

I have a few blankets that I bought in Peru that I LOVE. I came home with a new suitcase full of Peruvian textiles but still felt like it wasn’t enough...

All those global influences make a place feel special but can be difficult to bring together.

I’ve been fortunate enough to do a good amount of traveling in my life , and most places have influenced me in some way. It can actually hinder me a lot of times when I’m trying to put together a space. When I was in my early 20’s, I spent some time living in Italy and Southern France. I love the softness of French style, but I also love the ruggedness of an Argentine estancia. Those cultures influenced me a lot in the way I live and especially in my aesthetic choices. The key is to figure out how to make those contradictory elements work together.

So how do you do it? How do you take influences from literally all over the place and make it feel cohesive, unified, homey? It's a question Lisa has a pretty good answer to. 

When designing a space, my starting point is always going to be Function. What is the point of this room? What are people going to be doing in here? Once you’ve established the function of the room, you can start figuring out what layout and styles will make the most sense.

Well done, Lisa. This home functions beautifully. I know that I for one will stay tuned on Instagram @lisalaurens to see where your travels lead you next! 

Thanks for following along, mutts! 

For the Love of Color

It's no secret I love ALL THE COLORS!  I use them every chance I get - in my decor, paint colors, clothing choices... I just can't help myself.  And I know I'm not the only one ;)

In fact I have found a tribe of ladies who feel the same way about ROYGBIV.  It is my great pleasure to have teamed up with Blue I StyleCopper Dot Interiors, Domicile37, Mila Jest CafePMQ for Two, and Semigloss Design on a special new Instagram hashtag.  It's an open invitation to all who love color like we do and incorporate the a bold color pallet in your home decor or DIY projects (and hey - don't forget black and white are colors too).  Simply tag #MyBoldHues on instagram and peruse the hashtag to meet your fellow color-loving tribe members.  And in celebration, your hosts will give a special shout out to some of our favorites the last Wednesday of every month.  

So without further ado, please give it up for my inaugural round up of #MyBoldHues favorites: 

We all know I can't help but love a pup pic, but @modernpups had me at this yellow-friendly gallery wall!

With the healthy surge of feminism going around, I couldn't help but stop at this roaring blush and it's sassy emerald green friend.  This color combo has historical been labeled as "girly" but this pic tagged by @sophierobinsoninteriors has me like - and is that a bad thing?

@Kaliochic please invite me to whatever inevitably fabulous soiree you are planning here.  I promise I won't even eat the food, just sit in the presence of this colorFULL tablescape and be sure to only drool on my own shirt.  

And who wouldn't want to stay here in this heavenly saturated green airbnb by @contendandcompany?  What a DREAM!  And what a place to do some dreamin' I might add.

Thank you to all who have been tagging your photos and have joined this new little IG community!  We hope this will continue to be a place to inspire and find inspiration!

And be sure to check out my co-host for their features:
Blue I Style
Copper Dot Interiors
Mila Jest Cafe
PMQ for Two
Semigloss Design

2017 Furniture Flip Bucket List

Oh yes my friends.  I'm rolling out my 2017 Furniture Flip Bucket List to...DAY!  For those of you are new to StyleMutt Home (hey there!), every January I issue a "declaration of intent" for the coming year - a list of DIYs that I want to challenge myself with.  And I have certainly found myself challenged (see items No.1 from 2015 and 2016), but I love seeing where this list takes me each year and love even more being able to laugh at myself along the way.  It's cathartic.  

So let's pull that red velvet curtain off for the big reveal of 2017's list:


No.1: I love the look of the un-honed wood (especially juxtaposing the super industrial) so I've decided I want to make something with a live edge.  


No.2 This past summer, I scored a cash of brass hardware from my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore for a whopping $7!  I've used the long pulls on these mudroom benches but still have a plethora to play with.  My hope is to find the perfect piece(s) to use them on some time this year.

Source: Pigment

Source: Pigment

No.3 I have always loved the style of these planters.  This year, I've decided to stop admiring them from afar and make one of my own.

Source: Chairish

Source: Chairish

No.4 Now this one didn't make the final list until like yesterday.  I scored an adorable set of Broyhill dining chairs that are in desperate need of an update.  I am not sure what direction I want to take them in yet, but I'm excited to see what idea I land on (suggestions welcome!)

No.5 Play with leather (no not like that ;)  Chelsea and I have often loved the warm yet sophisticated look of leather in our home decor.  For that reason, I know I want to do a leather-related project.  

No.6 My style has been continually evolving in our apartment.  The dining and living room officially feel "me" but our bedroom still comes across as a staging ground for shoes and dirty laundry ;)  I want to get to a point this year where I can come home to our master bedroom and feel settled in the decor.  So stay tuned...

And finally...

No.7 Build something.  After my baker's rack fiasco, I decided that this year I need to develop some real carpentry skills.  I have no idea what to build but I'll add the caveat that I want to build it well.  And I probably won't try to build a baker's rack...

Thank you friends for following along my (mis)adventures!  If you'd like to see how last year turned out, check out this post.  And I hope you'll stop in again to see how this year's list is faring!