Hi friends! Just popping by to share the fruit of a recent thrifting adventure I took with the kids near the end of their Christmas break! The best part was having the opportunity to get out and score some amazing pieces with my kids - we've been thrifting together for 5 years and I've missed doing this with them as they're all now in school! The low of the day was when a very kind old cashier at one thrift store pushed a box of styrofoam packing peanuts in front of my son, Mason, and told him they were edible and that he should eat one. He claimed that those packing peanuts were all he'd had for lunch that day and that they tasted exactly like popcorn. I don't know how old this box was but we're gracious people so we both took a teeny tiny bite, paid for our loot, found the twins and took an extra Airborne when we got home!
The same old man let each kid pick out a book to take home for free - well, 'free' after Mason and I took one for the team and partook of his styrofoam snack.
Let's move on to pretty pictures of less gross things! I decided to pull each piece in for some glamour 'before' shots. None of the pieces I found are in terrible shape and all the work needed is cosmetic. How about I share my plans for each one!
Petite Mid-Century Dresser
This cutie is on the small side at only 34" long and 32.25" high. The front drawers are marked up a bit so I would like to sand those down smooth and restain in a warm wood stain. I may paint his body white for a classic two tone finish that I think looks just smashing on mid-century pieces, and then sit the piece up on short tapered legs to add a few inches in height and get the body off the floor. However, I'm afraid that adding legs may look like he has 4 front legs, given that rounded detail on each side of the lower apron. Any thoughts on that?
Antique Wood and Wrought Iron Cabinet
This gem was a no-brainer when I saw it in the store despite the fact that I still have no complete plan for it! It's a sturdy piece with a hollow interior so it kind of just seemed like great blank slate. I'd like to disassemble the piece from the iron base, remove all the iron hardware and really clean up the wood. I'll sand the piece completely down and potentially leave the wood bare, (sealing it of course), with no stain, then reattach all the iron hardware and base. But that plan isn't set in stone...I may need to sleep on it a bit more.
Mid-Century Chair
Okay, don't laugh but sometime over the holidays I had a dream about a chair. Well, I don't know if the dream was actually about the chair, but there was a chair in my dream unlike anything I've ever seen and when I woke up I could still picture it so clearly! Since I'm not a skilled craftsman I know I have no business trying to build a chair from scratch, so I've been trying to find a chair in similar style to replicate my dream chair. This project will include recovering the seat in a deep blue chambray, (the easy part), and then removing the backrest and replacing it with tight vertical lengths of rope which will be padded half way up by 'tubes' of white or beige jersey fabric stuffed with batting and enclosed around each rope. Make sense? LOL! If only you knew how long it took me to compose that sentence - it's really hard to explain what I'm picturing! There's a very good chance this chair will look 10 times better now than after I try this idea, but it was a cheap find and mid-century or not...it was a cheap find. :) Bottom line, I have no emotional attachment to this chair I paid pocket change for so it's the perfect candidate to play around with.
Who am I kidding, I have a slight emotional attachment to this chair. Look at it! I may or may not be on the hunt for a different chair to try my idea on.
So that's what's in my garage right now and I'll be back to share each piece as it's finished! Thank you so much for stopping by today!