Time away and upcoming fun!

Hi friends! It's been a while, eh?! So grateful for some time away over these last couple weeks. And especially thankful for a beautifully creative friend and sister-in-law who shared her genius ideas with all of us while I was away! Just in case you missed them, you can see Cate's latest ventures herehere, and here.

Two weeks ago Matt and I packed up the van, loaded the kids and drove 17 hours down to sunny Florida to visit my in-laws. The time away spent relaxing and playing with my family was worth every minute of the drive. But still, I want to kiss the person who invented portable DVD players on the lips. On. The. Lips.

Here are some highlights from our vacation!

The water; I have a hunch our kids may be part fish.

Helping Nana with everything!

Catching beasts, (aka bass), in the canal behind the house.

Sunset beach date with my Matt

Watching this little love, who doesn't care for the sand, be brave and make the most of our time at the beach.

It was wonderful. Praising Jesus for blessing us with a vacation. What a treat! 

And while we were away I got an email from an Apartment Therapy photographer who was interested in shooting our house for the site! The only time that worked for both of us happened to be a day and a half after we got home. Whaaaaat?! It was almost a "Check please!" moment. But, Natalie, the photographer, was so kind and definitely helped ease my nerves about having the kids around, getting the house ready, etc. It was a push for sure, but Matt and I were able to use that short time to get the house cleaned and camera ready. What an honor to have our home featured on such an inspirational source! I can't wait to see it! Once it's up on their site I'll link up here on the blog so you can check it out!

Natalie was truly awesome. She showed the kids the camera and even let them take a few pictures!

Coming up; an exciting announcement from Cate and me that local friends won't want to miss! Hint, keep June 7th open.

Thanks for stopping by!


This post was originally published on Chelsea's Garage, now affectionately known as StyleMutt.